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Category: Insurance

    What is Car Insurance, and What Is the Cost?

    What is Car Insurance, and What Is the Cost?

    Car insurance can be expensive, and it’s no wonder that many people choose to go without or look for cheaper alternatives. But if you are going to have a car, it’s worth knowing what your

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    Rainbow Insurance for your Car – How Does it Work?

    Rainbow Insurance for your Car – How Does it Work?

    I am very much impressed with this insurance company Rainbow Insurance for your Car. The premium is very reasonable, and the coverage is also good. If you have a car accident, you can fill up

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    Insurance Property And Casualty

    Insurance Property And Casualty

    Insurance Property And Casualty - The best insurance companies have been around since the dawn. They offer protection against unforeseen events. These events include death, injuries, theft, and other events that might result in financial

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    Return of Premium in Term Insurance Explained

    Return of Premium in Term Insurance Explained

    As life has become uncertain, securing your family’s financial future should be your priority. Investing in a life insurance plan is an ideal way to provide much-needed monetary stability to your family members. Term insurance

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    Mistakes to Avoid While Investing in a Term Plan

    Mistakes to Avoid While Investing in a Term Plan

    Life is uncertain, and it is impossible to predict the future. So, it is necessary to have a life insurance policy to safeguard your family's monetary future. Term insurance is one of the most affordable

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    Know All About Hypothecation in Car Insurance

    Know All About Hypothecation in Car Insurance

    There are various ways to finance your car purchase. You can either pay the entire amount upfront or use a finance facility. Since it is an advisable decision to select the latter option, there are

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    Here’s How a Cashless Health Insurance Policy Works

    Here’s How a Cashless Health Insurance Policy Works

    Having an insurance policy is critical in today’s times. Living without one is like throwing caution to the wind. You sure do not want to be that person. Being a matter of life and death,

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    Avoid These Blunders When You Purchase a Two-Wheeler Insurance Policy

    Avoid These Blunders When You Purchase a Two-Wheeler Insurance Policy

    Suppose you plan to purchase a two-wheeler insurance policy for yourself, great decision! It's always good to insure your vehicle, whether a scooter or a motorbike. Moreover, it is also mandatory to have two-wheeler insurance by

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    Tips for Easy Settlement of Your Health Insurance Claim

    Tips for Easy Settlement of Your Health Insurance Claim

    A sedentary lifestyle, increased junk food consumption, and pollution are factors responsible for rising health ailments in the past few decades. This makes health insurance a need and a must-have in recent times. Even a

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    Does Your Bike Insurance Have A Cashless Facility?

    Does Your Bike Insurance Have A Cashless Facility?

    A two-wheeler insurance policy for your bike is mandatory per the Motor Vehicles Act of 1988. There are two types of policies that you can purchase - third-party and comprehensive. When you face a claimable

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